Thursday, June 16, 2016

Tiny Yellow Star

This week our church is celebrating Vacation Bible School (VBS).  Each night children from our congregation, from our community and from an inner city community that we partner with come to our church to learn the word of God, to enjoy each other's company, to be entertained, to have fun, and just plain have a good time. We do it for them; to see the smiles on their faces and the joy in their hearts. Last night, God had something in store for my heart too.

A little brown-eyed girl in a yellow shirt came up to me in the sanctuary just before the program started. Her eyes were big, filled with joy and sparkling.  She had a smile on her face.  And without saying a word she placed this carefully folded tiny yellow star in the palm of my hand.  Our eyes met, we smiled at each other. I said "Thank you." Then she was gone in the crowd.

I tucked that tiny yellow star in my pocket.  Each time I pull it out I think of her excitement and smile and it brings me joy.  The tiny yellow star also brings me joy because of what it symbolizes.

Yellow is a color that stands for freshness, happiness, positivity, clarity, energy, optimism, enlightenment, remembrance, intellect, honor, loyalty and joy.

The star signifies goodness and truth. Stars are tiny luminaries that give off gleams of light in our dark atmosphere, just as Christ is the light that shines gleams of light into our darkness.

Thank you brown-eyed girl for this beautiful reminder of joy, goodness and light!